Casey Bechard QC Pet Studies Graduate

Name: Casey Bechard

Location: Regina, Canada

QC courses you’ve taken:

  • Dog Grooming Course

  • First Aid for Groomers

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***Please note that Casey’s answers to the questions below were provided in 2018, back when Casey worked as a groomer for Off The Leash. As of January, 2023, she has since switched employers and now works for The Dawg House Kennels & Spa.***

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

I’m a small town Saskatchewan girl with all the passion and care in the world. I’ve always had a love for animals, so much that I wanted to make a career out of it. I went from working at a few vet clinics to going to school and learning more about the vet industry. Then I worked at a couple horse barns, and now I’m at a grooming salon. There’s never a dull moment when always being around animals, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Did you have any interest in dog grooming before you started working at your dog grooming salon? What sparked your passion?

To be completely honest, becoming a dog groomer never crossed my mind when I started the job. I was a bather and was in charge of the doggie daycare. But being around the groomers and watching them take a dog that needed a little TLC and seeing how it all comes about, I was fascinated about learning more and being able to help dogs in that way as well. Most people don’t get that we as groomers are helping their dogs. We might see abnormalities in the coat and skin before the owners are even aware, and that was a big part in why I wanted to start grooming.

Casey Bechard Before grooming Casey Bechard after grooming

What’s one thing that you wish someone had told you when you were just starting out?

That patience is key! Every dog is different, and dogs can sense when you’re frustrated. So being calm and collected for each groom will make it go more smoothly than being frustrated and worked up. There will always be challenges but finishing each groom is rewarding in itself.

What’s your best study tip for acing a dog grooming course?

I’m all about writing stuff down. If you think it’s important, then it probably is, so write it down! Also, practicing all the technique with your scissors and clippers and playing around to figure out your tools will be very beneficial in the long run.

Did you have any misconceptions about earning your certification online? Did they change as you progressed through the course?

Not at all! I was excited that this course was self-pace study. I didn’t know what the course was going to be like at first, but everything was super organized and well detailed that it was the best option I think I could have picked.

Professional grooming by casey bechard

Have you found your tutor feedback and experience useful?

Oh definitely. My tutor was awesome. She always had positive things to say and awesome advice on all my assignments. She always told me what I could have done better on and what to practice. I most definitely use everything she’s told me and everything I’ve I learnt to this day.

How do you think QC Pet Studies prepared you to work in the grooming field?

They did a very good job at introducing what it’s like to work in a salon, what potential scenarios you might encounter, and what grooming in a salon is all about. The videos were, and still are, so helpful!

What do you think the future holds for you?

I most certainly hope it holds a lot of furry clients to groom! I’m so very fortunate to be already working at a grooming salon where I can jump into grooming right away. But I am just so excited for this next step. I can’t thank everyone enough for helping me through school and letting me practice on their dogs!

Professional dog grooming by QC pet studies graduate
qc pet studies graduate

You aced Practicum Unit 3: Teddy Bear Cut. Did you find it difficult to get a hang of the techniques for this adorable cut? Especially since you had to work with both clippers and scissors?

I didn’t find it difficult. I really took my time and remembered the video about the teddy bear cut. I had my notes that I had written beside me, so I found it more fun to do than anything. My favorite part of the groom would be scissoring and doing the face. The clipper is hard to get used to at first, and that’s what takes most of the time. But once you get the hang of it, the whole groom is so fun to do. Just really enjoy it, and have as much fun with it as you can!

Check out her Teddy Bear Cut Before and After videos!

Inspired by Casey Bechard’s journey? Take QC’s Dog Grooming Course to start your career!

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