Practicum Units

The practicum units give you the opportunity to gain hands-on experience working with a variety of dogs.

You’ll complete some of the most important grooming procedures from start to finish, including bathing and drying a dog, creating the teddy bear cut and creating different breed cuts. With detailed feedback from your tutor, you’ll be able to develop your skills and refine your technique.

Practicum Overview

The Bath

Practice wetting a dog with the ideal water temperature and pressure, and then choosing a suitable shampoo to lather and cleanse his coat. Next, thoroughly rinse the dog and check for any leftover dirt or debris. Finally, select an appropriate dryer to thoroughly dry and straighten the dog’s coat.

Grooming a Natural Breed

Practice grooming a natural breed that requires minimal shaping and styling. Create the breed standard on either a Golden Retriever or a Shetland Sheepdog. Use the best tools and techniques to achieve a flattering but natural look.

Creating the Teddy Bear Cut

The teddy bear cut can be a groomer’s bread and butter. In this unit you’ll complete 6 individual assignments where your tutor will evaluate your take on the teddy bear cut, from prep work through execution and finishing touches.

Grooming a Terrier

Grooming a terrier is a requirement for many dog grooming certification exams. Create the breed standard on a Miniature Schnauzer, Standard Schnauzer, Airedale Terrier or West Highland White Terrier. Use the best tools and techniques to achieve the desired shapes and styles.

Grooming a Non-sporting Breed

Grooming a Non-sporting breed is a requirement for many dog grooming certification exams. Create the breed standard on either a Poodle or a Bichon Frise. Use the best tools and techniques to make a stylized breeds look sleek and polished.

Practicum Assignments

Your practicum units allow you to demonstrate the dog grooming skills you’ve acquired throughout your course. You’ll carefully complete your assignments to show exactly how you are grooming the dog, providing your tutor with clear photographs and video footage.

View the assignment sample below to see how you’ll complete your practicum assignments, as well as how you’ll submit your work to be assessed.