Karin Evans headshot

Name: Karin Evans

Location: Iowa, United States

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Tell us a little bit about yourself!

I am 50 years old and currently work in sales as I transition to becoming a dog groomer full-time. Some people think I’m crazy for changing my career this late in life. But the people who really know me understand and support me. I have always loved animals of every kind! I only regret not realizing my passion 20 years ago. Becoming a dog groomer is the best decision I have ever made!

What do you enjoy about professional pet grooming?

I love working with both animals and people. There is no greater satisfaction than seeing the owner’s reaction to how cute their dogs after the groom. And the dog’s excitement from the parent’s reaction is priceless!

professional pet groomer - Karin Evans, QC Pet Studies Graduate

What’s one thing you wish you knew before becoming a professional pet groomer?

I wish someone had told me how hard it would be to lose pets that you fall in love with. You bond with so many as a groomer. And when they pass, it’s heartbreaking. To me, that’s the hardest part.

What’s your favorite part about grooming a dog?

The hugs and kisses I get from the dogs, and the change in their attitude once they are groomed. It’s like they know they are beautiful again!

Karin Evans professional dog grooming course graduate before Karin Evans professional dog grooming course graduate after

Why did you enroll in an online dog grooming course?

I enrolled in QC Pet Studies’ online course because I have a full-time job and QC allowed me to learn on my schedule.

dog grooming course graduate work of Karin Evans

How has QC’s dog grooming course has prepared you to work in the field?

It gave me a leg up on the pet groomers in my area. Learning all the ropes helped me to gain confidence. Without it, I don’t know where I would have begun. I still refer to the dog grooming course videos and books for reference.

What’s in store for you in 2019 and beyond?

I’m currently working at a salon part-time while I build my own grooming shop and continue to learn. My plans are to slowly transition to my home dog grooming business as I gain enough clients.

Pet owners should definitely learn pet grooming. Check out these 5 benefits to learning to groom your pup!

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