QC pet studies graduate Casey Bechard grooming a dog

QC Pet Studies graduate Casey Bechard works as a full-time dog groomer and shop manager at Off The Leash Pet Grooming in Regina, Canada. Today, she shares the 6 mistakes every rookie dog groomer makes their first year!

In the past, I’ve had a lot of people ask me about the dog grooming course I took—so many people! As more people approached me, I figured it would helpful to lay out my experiences for all these curious people. Today, I’m going to share my honest review of QC’s Dog Grooming Course. Hopefully, it’ll help you decide whether this is the path for you. Read on!

First impressions of the Dog Grooming course

My first thought about doing an online dog grooming course was how I was going to get hands-on experience without an in-person experience. On the other hand, the prospect of an online dog grooming class it was nice because I didn’t have to take any time off work to go to school, and I could work at my own pace.

I enrolled with QC without knowing a lot about what it all entailed, but I was still very excited. When I got my package, I was super pumped about the free dog grooming kit that came with the course. The package also contained all the courses lesson books and instructions for the dog grooming curriculum. I also received the First Aid for Groomers course for free, which is great because it’s super important to have! You don’t know how many times I have referred back to the First Aid course materials throughout my dog grooming career.

Grooms by Casey Bechard

Anyway, back to the grooming kit. They send you the basic tools needed to complete the course. For me, I used a lot of the tools included in the dog grooming kit, but I also bought some new stuff that worked better for me. To this day, I still use the handheld clipper, the scissors, and the slicker brushes.

It’s a great first starter kit. As you continue working in the dog grooming industry, you’ll test out many new products and dog grooming equipment to find those that work best for you. Have fun playing around with them all to familiarize yourself with the tools of your trade. It’s very exciting!

Pros of taking a dog grooming course online

  • You work at your own pace
  • You can re-read your texts and watch the grooming instructional videos over and over again if you need to
  • The course curriculum was well laid out and easy to learn (a step-by-step process)
  • You can pick the tools and dogs you want to work with.

Cons of taking a dog grooming course online

  • Lack of live interactions with your grooming instructor
  • The dog grooming tutors work in the field full-time, so you may need to wait a bit for them to answer a question
  • Tutors have 1- business days to mark so you, so you must patiently wait for tutor feedback
  • The course is individual and online, so you won’t have peer feedback on your work
  • Sometimes, I would have issues with YouTube when I go to upload my grooming video for marking
grooms by casey bechard of off the leash grooming

Grooms by Casey Bechard

The student experience at an online dog grooming academy

My tutors gave me very honest feedback. They told me point blank what they liked and didn’t like. It’s not always easy hearing how you messed up on something, but it teaches you to become stronger and to keep practicing until you get it right.

I found the tutors very nice and personal. They always had something nice to say, even when they were telling me about something I did wrong. It takes a couple of days to get your marks back, which for me, I’m impatient, so it seemed like forever. But you could tell they would always take time to do it as soon as possible.

The same tutors were the instructors in the videos. They were very well spoken and gave great instructions. There was never a time where I was confused about what they were talking about or demonstrating. The hands-on videos had lots of visual content and showed you just about everything you needed to know for your assignments. They go over how to handle your dog grooming clients properly—this is especially helpful if you’ve never been in a grooming setting before.

My favorite part? The hands-on grooming practice

My favorite part of the dog grooming course was the practicum. It wasn’t easy finding the right dogs for my grooming assignments, but it was fun and so worth it in the end. The practicum gives you an introduction to how the professional dog grooming experience is actually going to be like. I feel that people often think, “Oh, it’s an online course. I won’t be able to learn anything,” when you actually learn a ton.

dog grooming course online graduate Casey Bechard grooming a dog

Grooms by Casey Bechard

Going into this course, I had some background working with animals and knew how to deal with them. I also had an outstanding teacher when it came to starting my professional dog grooming career. She gave me a lot of insight and knowledge, as well. So if you’re lucky enough to have a mentor and a place to work or volunteer, take the opportunity! Having a well-equipped place to practice your skills and complete your course is invaluable.

This career path is very rewarding but challenging at the same time. If you think you are ready, don’t hesitate to sign up for this amazing course. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I hope you do, too!

Do you have any questions about the Dog Grooming course? Leave us a comment and we’ll get back to you!

No matter what, some mistakes can’t be avoided. Check out this list of 6 mistakes ALL rookie dog groomers make their first year!

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  • Hanna says:

    I am a senior in high school and i am looking for a fun and exciting career. I have worked at a dog breeder for the past two years and have grown to love these dogs. I have given a lot of the dogs baths but i would like to learn more about actually grooming them. I want a job that i would love getting up every morning to do. Would this course be a good place to start?

    • Sarah-Lynn Seguin says:

      Hi Hanna, thanks so much for reading and commenting! 🙂 If you love dogs and wish to work with them for a living, then becoming a dog groomer is an excellent option! Our extensive online course will teach you everything you need to know about grooming techniques, breed requirements, dog temperament and behavior, equipment use and maintenance, etc. Plus, you’ll get plenty of hands-on experience with our practical assignments – and as part of your tuition, we’ll even provide you with a complimentary grooming kit to get you started. As an added bonus, when you enroll in QC’s Dog Grooming Course, we’ll provide you with our First Aid for Groomers Course at no additional cost. This way, you can begin your career with as much training as possible, and get TWO professional certifications for the price of one. 🙂

      If you’d like to learn more about our Dog Grooming Course, feel free to check out the course outline on our website here: https://www.doggroomingcourse.com/online-courses/dog-grooming/

      All the best,
      The QC Team

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